Join in a game of hide and seek with a group of ladybirds! Each one has its own colour, can you ide...zobraziť viac
Join in a game of hide and seek with a group of ladybirds! Each one has its own colour, can you identify which ladybirds are hidden and in which order? This educational game will stimulate your child's memory and observation skills. It consists of 8 coloured ladybirds, 16 wooden counters, a flowerpot, 2 cardboard bushes and 10 ‘trophy’ leaves. A cotton storage bag is also supplied with the game. Convenient for playing anywhere! The Ladybirds Memory Game is evolving and adapts to the needs of each child as it has more than one level of difficulty. Your child can start by identifying the colour of the missing ladybird that is hidden under the flowerpot. Then they will learn to reproduce a sequence of colours from memory using the bushes and the wooden counters. Ideal for developing their memory while having fun! Toy made from FSCTM wood and cardboard. Educational game developed in collaboration with a school teacher for children from 3 years old.
Janod je popredná francúzska značka kvalitných drevených hračiek, stavebníc a hier pre deti s viac ako 50-ročnou tradíciou. Hračky Janod edukatívnym spôsobom zabávajú deti od narodenia až do 12 rokov, sú výborným doplnkom detských izbičiek vďaka svojmu príťažlivému a farebnému designu, pomáhajú deťom pripraviť sa na školské povinnosti hravou formou. Sú ekologické a testované na splnenie najvyšších bezpečnostných štandardov. Hračky Janod získavajú každoročne mnoho medzinárodných ocenení. Množstvo produktov vyhovuje rozvoju podľa Montessori a Waldorfskej pedagogiky, pri autizme a pri poruchách učenia.