Create the garden of your dreams by placing the insects and plants on their wooden base! This educa...zobraziť viac
Create the garden of your dreams by placing the insects and plants on their wooden base! This educational game allows your child to make their own mandalas using 25 wooden pieces on the theme of the garden. Ideal for developing concentration and observation skills during a fun moment of calm! The game consists of a base, 5 bees, 5 pink flowers, 5 daisies, 5 leaves and 5 ladybirds made of wood and 12 templates to reproduce. The aim is to arrange the different accessories symmetrically by following a template or giving free rein to the imagination. There are several ways to play, in the form of workshops. In the independent workshop, your child has to reproduce the templates on the cards with the help of the accessories. In the duo workshop, you can help your child to learn by describing where the elements should be positioned on the board. Toy made from FSCTM wood and cardboard. Educational game developed in collaboration with a school teacher for children from 2 years old.
Janod je popredná francúzska značka kvalitných drevených hračiek, stavebníc a hier pre deti s viac ako 50-ročnou tradíciou. Hračky Janod edukatívnym spôsobom zabávajú deti od narodenia až do 12 rokov, sú výborným doplnkom detských izbičiek vďaka svojmu príťažlivému a farebnému designu, pomáhajú deťom pripraviť sa na školské povinnosti hravou formou. Sú ekologické a testované na splnenie najvyšších bezpečnostných štandardov. Hračky Janod získavajú každoročne mnoho medzinárodných ocenení. Množstvo produktov vyhovuje rozvoju podľa Montessori a Waldorfskej pedagogiky, pri autizme a pri poruchách učenia.